
Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Share your Care, let no humanity suffer

Care for SALE!! 
If I may have that sign on my chest and carry it with me .. While many times, with GOD's given gifts to me it only take some dancing thumbs on my blackberry to tickle many people to stop for a minute and think about others, their suffering, their miserable life while many of us sit comfortably zipping our 35 thousand rupiah coffee latte... There's a lot of times too, when tears are ready to burst out from my comical eyes*OK! OK! only on my imaginary world my eyes are comical!!Bare with me!*,where was I? Oh! Tears are ready to burst out from my very human eyes when people start asking my mission or accusing me with a very gentle way on taking advantage or making profit from #BERBAGI. 
It is simple as it is... CARE FOR SALE!!! or even better... CARE FOR FREE!!!
But again, even poor people have pride. They don't want anything for free.. But CARE??? Yes indeed they NEED. We all need someone who CARE for us. A simple touch, a smile.. an empathy .. Something that I don't see much lately. 
When I broadcast massage on twitter or blackberry all I want is for people to care for those in need. #BERBAGI is something I need to do for myself.. My own super hero mission.. IT IS MY OWN doing. But hey! I don't mind helping  those who doesn't have the time to actually DOING it. Because I know there are others like me. Who doesn't have the time too, but making the time because #BERBAGI is something we NEED to do, not only WANT to do.
Mind this, when you trusting me to handout money, used clothes, books, foods... PLEASE TRUST ME WITH YOUR HEART, knowing and believing that I will do my best to hand it out to the right person. IN MY STUPID HONEST JUDGMENT..
PEOPLE!!! Open your heart and eyes! There's a lot of community profit or non profit ..That's how they claim their self to be who can help you to help those in needs. And there are a lot of people walking tall *read:SNOB* who are very proud of their 'tawadhu' aka humble act wiling to help you too.
Me? I'm a real SNOB... I asked people to bugger off if they don't trust me. "It's good enough that they are people who's willing to do this for free.. My friends..Those who's actually willing to be on that miserable s*#t hole, who doesn't care if it's raining or hot and let their manicured toes get wet, mingle and get squeeze between the sweats of the garbage man??? They don't question why wouldn't you be there with them? Why wouldn't you see for your self how tragic, how sad, how inhuman it is to be there..
So please, bugger off if you don't trust my stupid judgment on how I hand out your money... 
Because I still have tons of CARE to SHARE.."

Wiro212. OUT.

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